Arbitrary Statistical Models
This post might be the only time Stata code appears on the blog. Most of the software I share here will be written in a freely available language such as Python. But I’ve had these notes tucked away for awhile, and someone else may find them useful. Even long-time Stata users might be unaware of its versatility for developing arbitrary statistical models. We can see that flexibility by analyzing the same data set using non-linear regression, maximum likelihood estimation, and Bayesian analysis.
Here is the initialization code that I typically use for all Stata scripts
Experienced Stata users will note that I do not follow the normal convention of abbreviating commands and options. I find code much less confusing when they are spelled out in full.. The version
command is one of my favorites. It directs Stata to execute the remainder of the script as if it were the specified Stata version. In this case I’m using version 18. In the future when newer Stata versions are available, this command will tell the application not to use updated versions of alogrithms and equations. This feature is a big help for reproducibility.
version 18 // Stata version used to create/execute this script
set more off // disable pause of output display every full screen
clear all // ensure clean slate
capture log close // close any pending logs
set seed 123456789 // consistent random number generation
For this analysis I’ll reuse a commonly cited example from the now-retired OpenBUGS software. The data are length and age measurements for 27 captured dugongs (sea cows) Ratkowsky, David A.. Nonlinear Regression Modeling: A Unified Practical Approach. Switzerland, M. Dekker, 1983.. Carlin and Gelfand (1991)Carlin, B. P., and A. E. Gelfand. “An iterative Monte Carlo method for nonconjugate Bayesian analysis.” Statistics and Computing, vol. 1, no. 2, Dec. 1991, pp. 119–28. Scopus, doi:10.1007/BF01889986. model the data from this example using a simple nonlinear growth curve that increases rapidly at early ages and tends to an asymptote as the age increases. In simple form, , where starts at when and, provided , asymptotically approaches . Equation 1 describes the model more formally; in particular we assume that any errors in the data are normally distributed with zero mean and an unknown standard deviation.
We’ll use that same model for all the examples that follow. As a check for the results that we get from Stata, a simple. model in Stan provides what I consider the “gold standard” for estimates of model parameters. Table 1 details the parameter estimates from this model.
data {
int<lower=0> N;
array[N] real<lower=0> x;
array[N] real<lower=0> y;
parameters {
real alpha;
real beta;
real<lower=.5, upper= 1> lamda;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
array[N] real m;
for (i in 1:N)
m[i] = alpha - beta * pow(lamda, x[i]);
model {
// priors
alpha ~ normal(0.0, 1000);
beta ~ normal(0.0, 1000);
lamda ~ uniform(0.5, 1);
sigma ~ inv_gamma(0.01, 0.01);
// likelihood
y ~ normal(m, sigma);
Mean | MCSE | StdDev | 5% | 50% | 95% | |
alpha | 2.7 | 3.5×10-3 | 0.069 | 2.6 | 2.6 | 2.8 |
beta | 0.97 | 3.2×10-3 | 0.072 | 0.85 | 0.97 | 1.1 |
lambda | 0.86 | 1.6×10-3 | 0.031 | 0.81 | 0.87 | 0.91 |
Sigma | 0.099 | 7.2×10-4 | 0.015 | 0.078 | 0.097 | 0.12 |
Now we can turn to Stata. For reproducibility I’ll show the full data set as it’s loaded into Stata.
quietly {
input x y
1 1.8
1.5 1.85
1.5 1.87
1.5 1.77
2.5 2.02
4 2.27
5 2.15
5 2.26
7 2.47
8 2.19
8.5 2.26
9 2.4
9.5 2.39
9.5 2.41
10 2.5
12 2.32
12 2.32
13 2.43
13 2.47
14.5 2.56
15.5 2.65
15.5 2.47
16.5 2.64
17 2.56
22.5 2.7
29 2.72
31.5 2.57
The Stata algorithms need initial guesses for the model parameters, so here’s what we’ll use. We could theoretically pick any values here, but the code will run much quicker if the guesses are at least in the ball park.
local alpha = 1
local beta = 1
local lamda = 0.9
Non-Linear Least Squares
A simple approach for finding parameter values is non-linear least squares with Stata’s nl
command. It makes assumptions that are not always appropriate (e.g. errors are normally distributed) but even when those assumptions don’t hold, the approach may be helpful as a first step. The nl
results can provide good initial values and, potential estimates for the error variance. The simplest way to use nl
is with expressions.
nl (y = {alpha} - {beta} * {lamda} ^ x), ///
initial(alpha `alpha' beta `beta' lamda `lamda') ///
Although not necessary for this example, more complicated models may be implemented as “programs.”
Stata requires programs used for non-linear least squares to have a name that starts with “nl.” That prefix is then omitted when the program is referenced in the actual nl
capture program drop nlgrowth
program define nlgrowth
syntax varlist(min=2 max=2) if, at(name)
local y: word 1 of `varlist'
local x: word 2 of `varlist'
tempname alpha beta lamda
scalar `alpha' = `at'[1, 1]
scalar `beta' = `at'[1, 2]
scalar `lamda' = `at'[1, 3]
replace `y' = (`alpha' - `beta' * `lamda' ^ `x') `if'
nl growth @ y x, ///
parameters(alpha beta lamda) ///
initial(alpha `alpha' beta `beta' lamda `lamda') ///
local alpha_nl = _b[/alpha]
local beta_nl = _b[/beta]
local lamda_nl = _b[/lamda]
Least squares provides reasonable estimate of the error variance. This estimate can be helpful in other methods (e.g. maximum likelihood and bayes), so we’ll save it.
// σ² ≈ MSE = RSS / (n - p)
local sigma = sqrt(e(rss) / (_N - 2))
One benefit of nl
is the ability to use predictnl
to generate new variables based on the parameters. Note, though, that we can only do this if the model can be written as an expression in addition to or instead of a program. That's the case here. As an option, we can also ask for confidence intervals.
quietly predictnl pred_nl = (_b[/alpha] - _b[/beta] * _b[/lamda] ^ x), ///
ci(low_nl high_nl)
Bayesian (MCMC)
For a completely different approach, we can use Bayesian analysis to parameterize our model. As with non-linear regression, Stata can do that easily; all it needs is the expression corresponding to our model as well as our prior probabilities. We’ll use standard non-informative priors and the same initial guesses as above.
bayesmh y = ({alpha} - {beta} * {lamda} ^ x), ///
likelihood(normal({var})) ///
prior({alpha beta}, normal(0, 1000)) ///
prior({lamda}, uniform(0.5, 1)) ///
prior({var}, igamma(0.1, 0.1)) ///
initial({alpha} `alpha' {beta} `beta' {lamda} `lamda' {var} `sigma'^2)
For more complicated models, we can use a custom “program evaluator.” A log-likelihood evaluator is simpler than a log-posterior evaluator because we're okay using built-in distributions as priors for the parameters.
Our model has no linear combinations for the independent variable , so ideally we would just define a constraint that fixed the slope. Currently the bayesmh
command doesn't allow constraints with program evaluators, though. To work around that and avoid any spurious warnings for variables that we don't use, we pass x
as an extra variable instead. Here’s a program evaluator for our example.
capture program drop growth_lleval
program define growth_lleval
// Arguments:
// lnden: the name of a temporary scalar to be filled in with an overall
// log-likelihood value
// alpha, beta, lamda, sigma: model parameters (not linear equations)
args lnden alpha beta lamda sigma
// Make the code a little bit more readable with clearer references
local x "$MH_extravars"
local y "$MH_y"
tempvar lnfj
quietly generate double `lnfj' = ///
lnnormalden(`y', (`alpha' - `beta' * `lamda' ^ `x'), `sigma') ///
if $MH_touse
summarize `lnfj', meanonly
// If there was a problem, don't report an actual result but return a
// missing value instead. This is the Stata convention. To detect problems
// we ensure that the number of generated values is the same as the number
// of observations.
if r(N) < $MH_n {
scalar `lnden' = .
scalar `lnden' = r(sum)
And here’s how we use that program to estimate posterior parameter values.
// Bayes results include the MCMC posteriors and require significantly more
// storage space. Use a temporary file to hold them.
tempfile bayes_file
bayesmh y, noconstant ///
llevaluator( ///
growth_lleval, ///
extravars(x) ///
parameters({alpha} {beta} {lamda} {sigma}) ///
) ///
prior({alpha beta}, flat) ///
prior({lamda}, uniform(0.5, 1)) ///
prior({sigma}, igamma(0.01, 0.01)) ///
initial({alpha} `alpha' {beta} `beta' {lamda} `lamda' {sigma} `sigma') ///
// For a simple comparison, save the mean values from the MCMC posterior
local alpha_bs = e(mean)[1, "alpha"]
local beta_bs = e(mean)[1, "beta"]
local lamda_bs = e(mean)[1, "lamda"]
local sigma_bs = e(mean)[1, "sigma"]
local mcmc_samples = e(mcmcsize)
With the Bayesian approach, Stata lets us perform more extensive analyses. To do that, we can load the posterior data in a separate data frame. The resulting dataset will contain the parameter values realized in the MCMC chains. With a small bit of housekeeping, we can randomly sample from those posterior values. The final results include these samples as a way to visualize our model’s uncertainty as a Bayesian alternative to confidence intervals.
tempname posterior
frame create `posterior'
frame `posterior': use `bayes_file'
quietly frame `posterior' {
expand _frequency
keep eq*
rename eq0_p1 alpha
rename eq0_p2 beta
rename eq0_p3 lamda
rename eq0_p4 sigma
generate double randu = runiform()
isid randu
sort randu
Maximum Likelihood (ml) Estimation
Finally, Stata also support maximum likelihood estimates. As with our previous approaches, we can do that simply with a substitutable expression.
mlexp (lnnormalden(y, {alpha} - {beta} * {lamda} ^ x, {sigma})), ///
from(alpha = `alpha' beta = `beta' lamda = `lamda' sigma = `sigma') ///
difficult nolog
// The "predictnl" command also works after "mlexp"
quietly predictnl pred_ml = (_b[/alpha] - _b[/beta] * _b[/lamda] ^ x), ///
ci(low_ml high_ml)
More complex problems may benefit from a complete “program.” To demonstrate that, we use the linear form for the maximum likelihood estimation, so this program is a “method-lf evaluator.” Method-lf evaluators are required to evaluate the observation-by-observation log likelihood ln(Lj), j = 1, …, N
where the subscript j
indexes the observations. Because the model doesn't have any parameters that create linear functions of (i.e. no scale or location) we constrain the linear coefficient to be 1. We'll also force the constant term to be zero when we execute the ml
constraint define 1 [xb]:x = 1
capture program drop growth_lfeval
program define growth_lfeval
// Arguments:
// lnfj: variable to be filled in with observation-by-observation
// values of ln(Lj)
// x: independent variable obtained via a linear equation where the
// slope is constrained to be 1 (above) and no constant is allowed
// (below)
// alpha, beta, lamda, sigma: model parameters (not linear equations)
args lnfj x alpha beta lamda sigma
// Get access to the dependent variable (y). This isn't strictly
// necessary (and possibly degrades performance), but it makes the
// expressions easier to read.
local y $ML_y1
quietly replace `lnfj' = ///
lnnormalden(`y', (`alpha' - `beta' * `lamda' ^ `x'), `sigma') ///
if $ML_samp == 1
This is non-interactive mode, so the maximize
option is specified. We also specify nopreserve
as good practice even though it has no effect for linearform (lf) methods. In general, it tells Stata to assume that the evaluator is correctly using $ML_samp
; without that assumption Stata takes extra precautions that degrade performance.
ml model linearform growth_lfeval ///
(xb: y = x, noconstant) ///
(alpha:, freeparm) ///
(beta:, freeparm) ///
(lamda:, freeparm) ///
(sigma:, freeparm) ///
, constraint(1) ///
init(xb:x = 1 alpha = `alpha' beta = `beta' lamda = `lamda' sigma = `sigma') ///
maximize search(off) difficult nolog nopreserve
local alpha_ml = _b[/alpha]
local beta_ml = _b[/beta]
local lamda_ml = _b[/lamda]
local sigma_ml = _b[/sigma]
The Results
Thankfully, all of the different modeling approaches yield similar results, as table 2 indicates. We can also compare the models by visualizing models based on the estimated parameters. Figure 1 shows that comparison. The final panel uses mean estimates from each approach to show all of them on a single plot.
Stan | 2.7 [2.6, 2.8] | 0.97 [0.85, 1.1] | 0.86 [0.81, 0.91] |
nl expression |
2.66 [2.53, 2.79] | 0.96 [0.82, 1.11] | 0.87 [0.82 0.92] |
nl program |
2.66 [2.53, 2.79] | 0.96 [0.82, 1.11] | 0.87 [0.82 0.92] |
bayesmh expression |
2.65 [2.49, 2.87] | 0.98 [0.79, 1.19] | 0.85 [0.75, 0.93] |
bayesmh program |
2.65 [2.54, 2.80] | 0.97 [0.80, 1.11] | 0.86 [0.80, 0.91] |
mlexp |
2.65 [2.54, 2.78] | 0.96 [0.83, 1.09] | 0.87 [0.82, 0.92] |
ml program |
2.65 | 0.96 | 0.87 |
local color1 `.__SCHEME.color.p1'
local color2 `.__SCHEME.color.p2'
local color3 `.__SCHEME.color.p3'
local color4 `.__SCHEME.color.p4'
local color5 `.__SCHEME.color.p5'
local color6 `.__SCHEME.color.p6'
local ciarea `.__SCHEME.color.ci_area'
local ciline `.__SCHEME.color.ci_line'
// One plot for each method separately to highlight that method's unique
// features, and then a combined plot to allow comparison of the results.
// Non-linear Least Squares - include confidence interval
twoway ///
(rarea low_nl high_nl x, fcolor("`ciarea'") lwidth(none)) ///
(function y = (`alpha_nl' - `beta_nl' * `lamda_nl' ^ x), ///
range(x) lcolor("`color3'") lwidth(1)) ///
(scatter y x, mcolor("`color1'")), ///
legend(off) ///
title("Non-linear Least Squares", size(11pt) position(12) ring(0)) ///
subtitle("w/ 95% CI", size(10pt) position(5) ring(0)) ///
xtitle("") xlabel(none) ytitle("") ylabel(none) ///
name(nl, replace) nodraw
// Maximum Likelihood - also with confidence interval
twoway ///
(rarea low_ml high_ml x, fcolor("`ciarea'") lwidth(none)) ///
(function y = (`alpha_ml' - `beta_ml' * `lamda_ml' ^ x), ///
range(x) lcolor("`color4'") lwidth(1)) ///
(scatter y x, mcolor("`color1'")), ///
legend(off) ///
title("Maximum Likelihood", size(11pt) position(12) ring(0)) ///
subtitle("w/ 95% CI", size(10pt) position(5) ring(0)) ///
xtitle("") xlabel(none) ytitle("") ylabel(none) ///
name(ml, replace) nodraw
// Bayesian - show plausible trajectories by sampling from the posterior
forvalues sample = 1/500 {
local i = runiformint(1, `mcmc_samples')
local a = _frval(`posterior', alpha, `i')
local b = _frval(`posterior', beta, `i')
local l = _frval(`posterior', lamda, `i')
local graph = "`graph' (function y = (`a' - `b' * `l' ^ x),"
local graph = "`graph' range(x) lwidth(thin) lcolor(`ciline'%05))"
twoway ///
`graph' ///
(function y = (`alpha_bs' - `beta_bs' * `lamda_bs' ^ x), ///
range(x) lcolor("`color5'") lwidth(1)) ///
(scatter y x, mcolor("`color1'")), ///
legend(off) ///
title("Bayesian (MCMC)", size(11pt) position(12) ring(0)) ///
subtitle("w/ 500 posterior samples", size(10pt) position(5) ring(0)) ///
xtitle("") xlabel(none) ytitle("") ylabel(none) ///
name(bayes, replace) nodraw
// Summarized results on single plot - using mean values for parameters
twoway ///
(function y = (`alpha_nl' - `beta_nl' * `lamda_nl' ^ x), ///
range(x) lcolor("`color3'") lwidth(1)) ///
(function y = (`alpha_ml' - `beta_ml' * `lamda_ml' ^ x), ///
range(x) lcolor("`color4'") lwidth(1)) ///
(function y = (`alpha_bs' - `beta_bs' * `lamda_bs' ^ x), ///
range(x) lcolor("`color5'") lwidth(1)) ///
(scatter y x, mcolor("`color1'")), ///
subtitle("Mean Estimates", size(11pt) position(12) ring(0)) ///
legend(order( ///
4 "Observations" ///
1 "Non-linear Least Squares" ///
2 "Maximum Likelihood" ///
3 "Bayesian (MCMC)" ///
) ///
rowgap(0) keygap(1) symxsize(9) size(8pt) region(margin(small)) ///
cols(1) position(5) ring(0)) ///
xtitle("") xlabel(none) ytitle("") ylabel(none) ///
name(all, replace) nodraw
graph combine nl ml bayes all, cols(2) name(models, replace)
All of the approaches yield very similar results, though each has its own strengths and weaknesses. I tend to use non-linear least squares for “quick and dirty” analysis and follow up with Bayesian estimates if I want more thorough or more detailed results. Maximum likelihood is an alternative for those cases where Bayesian analysis may not be appropriate.