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Hello again, world

It's been way more than a minute, long enough to wonder if I can still write a decent blog post. After all, a lot can change in nearly a decade. Still, I have been thinking about writing again, and a blog post from Cory Doctorow finally helped me overcome my intertia. Cory says that “Writing is a cognitive prosthesis for me. Working things out on the page helps me work things out in my life.” That’s close to how I feel. For me, it’s only when I can write about a topic that I have confidence that I understand it. And since I love trying to figure things out, I’m going to have to write. To me the most relatable sentence in Cory’s piece is “[T]he very act of writing is so important to me that even if no one read me, I would still write.

So I’m going to start again. And if you, dear reader, find the articles interesting, I hope you’ll join me. At this point I can’t commit to a specific schedule, but I’m sure it won’t be frequent enough to feel like spam. On the other hand, I do have enough ideas in mind to establish some momentum. So check back when you can; see if you find something you like, and feel free to let me know how I’m doing.